REINVENT documentation & publications

Highlights from REINVENT research







Other documentation

Here you will find the remaining documentation of REINVENT, in order of its publication (most recent first). Click on the title to open the pdf file.

  1. D7.7 Press release

  2. D7.5 REINVENT Results brief [final version]

  3. D5.2 Policy coherence between the EU climate regime and the global sustainable development agenda

  4. D6.3 Decarbonisation pathways portal

  5. D6.7 Workshop report: Assessing low carbon transitions

  6. D4.8 Workshop on financing net zero

  7. D5.1 Economic impacts of decarbonisation pathways

  8. D4.9 Workshop report on circular economy

  9. D4.6 Workshop report on electrification

  10. D4.4 Workshop report on heavy industry in modelling

  11. D4.5 Workshop report on biogenic carbon as feedstock

  12. D4.7 Workshop report on green protein transitions

  13. D5.1 Economic impacts of decarbonisation pathways [interview about the report on Swedish Radio]

  14. D3.7 Assessment of the broader impacts of decarbonisation

  15. D3.5 Report on synthesis workshop [you can also find the presentations here]

  16. D2.8 Climate innovations and new pathways for decarbonisation

  17. D1.6 Book writing workshop

  18. D3.4 Report on interim workshop on case studies

  19. D8.7 Minutes from the advisory board’s second meeting

  20. D7.2 Dissemination and communication strategy (final version)

  21. D3.2 Motivation for selection of case studies

  22. D3.1 Analytical protocol

  23. D7.10 Poster and roll-up

  24. D8.6 Meeting minutes from the first Advisory Board meeting

  25. D7.4 REINVENT project brief

  26. D9.2 POPD Ethics requirement – Personal data

  27. D9.1 H – Ethics requirement

  28. D8.4. Risk management plan

  29. D8.2 Data management plan

  30. D7.8 Presentation and template

  31. D7.1 Dissemination and communication strategy (1st draft)

  32. D1.5 Critical drivers workshop report

  33. D1.2 Project briefing note

  34. D8.5. Advisory board and terms of reference

  35. D8.3 Internal communication plan

  36. D8.1 Work plan

  37. D7.3 Website launch

Here you will find the publications that have come out as a result of REINVENT’s work, in order of their publication (most recent first). Click on the title to access the article.

  1. Bulkeley, H., J. Stripple, L.J. Nilsson, B. van Veelen, A. Kalfagianni, F. Bauer and M. van Sluisveld (2022) Decarbonising economies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  2. Bauer, F., T. Hansen and L.J. Nielsen (2022) ‘Assessing the feasibility of archetypal transition pathways towards carbon neutrality – A comparative analysis of European industries’, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177, 106015.

  3. Bataille, C., L.J. Nilsson and F. Jotzo (2021) ‘Industry in a net-zero emissions world: New mitigation pathways, new supply chains, modelling needs and policy implications’, Energy & Climate Change, 100059.

  4. van Sluisveld, M.A.E., H.S. de Boer, V. Daioglou, A.F. Hof and D.P. van Vuuren (2021) ‘A race to zero - Assessing the position of heavy industry in a global net-zero CO2 emissions context’, Energy and Climate Change, 100051.

  5. Nilsson, L.J., F. Bauer, M. Åhman, F.N.G. Andersson, C. Bataille, S. de la Rue du Can, K. Ericsson, T. Hansen, B. Johansson, S. Lechtenböhmer, M. van Sluisveld and V. Vogl (2021) ‘An industrial policy framework for transforming energy and emissions intensive industries towards zero emissions’, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2021.1957665.

  6. Bauer, F. and G. Fontenit (2021) ‘Plastic dinosaurs – Digging deep into the accelerating carbon lock-in of plastics’, Energy Policy, 156.

  7. Palm, E., J. Hasselbalch, K. Holmberg, and T.D. Nielsen (2021) ‘Narrating plastics governance: Policy narratives in the European Plastics Strategy’, Environmental Politics, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2021.1915020.

  8. van Veelen, B. (2020) ‘Cash cows? Assembling low-carbon agriculture through green finance’, Geoforum, 118: 130-139.

  9. Kushnir, D., T. Hansen, V. Vogl and M Åhman (2020) ‘Adopting hydrogen direct reduction for the Swedish steel industry: A technological innovation system (TIS) study’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 242: 118185

  10. Nilsson, L.J., F.NG. Andersson, C. Bataille, F. Bauer, S. de la Rue du Can, T. Hansen, B. Johansson, V. Vogl, M. Åhman, S. Lechtenböhmer, D. Schiro, M. van Sluisveld and K. Ericsson (2020) ‘A European industrial development policy for prosperity and zero emissions’, ECEEE 2020 Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. 6-082-20. [more info on ECEEE’s page]

  11. Chertkovskaya, E., K. Holmberg, M. Petersén, J. Stripple and S. Ullström (2020) ‘Making visible, rendering obscure: reading the plastic crisis through contemporary artistic visual representations', Global Sustainability, 3(e14). [read an interview with the authors in Swedish]

  12. Bulkeley, H. and B. van Veelen (2020) ‘Financing net zero: How can investment meet the climate challenge', Royal Geographical Society. 7 May. [More information is available here.]

  13. Tziva, M., S.O. Negro, A. Kalfagianni and M.P. Hekkert (2019). ‘Understanding the protein transition: the rise of plant-based meat substitutes’,  Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.

  14. Andersson, F.N.G (2020) ‘Effects on the manufacturing, utility and construction industries of decarbonization of the energy-intensive and natural resource-based industries’, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 21: 1-13.

  15. aan den Toorn, S.I., E. Worrell and M.A. van den Broek (2019) ‘Meat, dairy, and more: Analysis of material, energy, and greenhouse gas flows of the meat and dairy supply chains in the EU28 for 2016’, Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI:

  16. Nielsen, T.D., J. Hasselbalch, K. Holmberg and J. Stripple (2020) ‘Politics and the plastic crisis: A review throughout the plastic lifecycle’, WIREs Energy and Environment, 9(1): e360. [read a blog post about the article here]

  17. Bridge, G., H. Bulkeley, P. Langley and B. van Veelen (in press) ‘Pluralizing and problematizing carbon finance’, Progress in Human Geography, DOI:

  18. De Cian, E., S. Dasgupta, A.F. Hof, M.A.E van Sluisveld, J. Köhler, B. Pfluger and D.P. van Vuuren (in press) ‘Actors, decision-making, and institutions in quantitative system modelling’, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI:

  19. Bataille C., M. Åhman, K. Neuhoff, L.J. Nilsson, M. Fischedick, S. Lechtenböhmer, B. Solano-Rodriquez, A. Denis-Ryan, H. Steibert S.Waisman, O. Sartor, S. Rahbar (2018) ‘A review of technology and policy deep decarbonization pathway options for making energy-industry production consistent with the Paris Agreement’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 187: 960-973.

  20. van Sluisveld, M.A.E., M.J.H.M. Harmsen, D.P. van Vuuren, V. Bosetti, C. Wilson and van der Zwaan, B. (2018) ‘Comparing future patterns of energy system change is 2 °C scenarios to expert projections’, Global Environmental Change, 50: 201-211.

  21. Vogl, V., M. Åhman and L.J. Nilsson (2018) ‘Assessment of hydrogen direct reduction for fossil-free steelmaking’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 203: 736-745.

  22. Nilsson L.J., M. Åhman M, V. Vogl and S. Lechtenböhmer (2017) ‘Industrial policy for well below 2 degrees Celsius – The role of basic materials producing industries’, Proceedings from LCS-RNet 2017, Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute.